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At the author's request, you may read the Warm Fuzzy Tale at his site, Emotional Literacy which has translations in French, German, Serbian and Portuguese as well as the English version. You can learn more about Emotional Literacy and about the author, Claude Steiner as well. Be sure to visit his site and drop him a note to let him know how you found it and what you think of it!

[Warm Fuzzy Tale book cover] Basically, a warm fuzzy is a very good and generous thing to do for someone and a cold prickly is not good at all and makes people cranky. Please help support the warm fuzzy cause, and buy the book:

"The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale" by Claude Steiner. By clicking on the title or cover of the book, you can find out more information and there will be an option to purchase it (if you like). Please be sure to visit our online book and music store, The Abyss, an associate of Amazon.com® .

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.

If you like this story, here are a few more book suggestions that you might be interested in. Let me know if you have any suggestions for this page. So, please feel free to buy a book or two but don't forget to come back and send a warm fuzzy to someone today.

Buy this book! The Giving Tree
Author: Shel Silverstein Format: Hardcover Published: Feb 1986

List Price: $16.99 -- Amazon.com Price: $11.55 -- You save: $5.44 (32%)

This is a tender story, touched with sadness, aglow with consolation. Shel Silvestein has created a moving parable for readers of all ages that offers an affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! Where the Sidewalk Ends
Author: Shel Silverstein Format: Hardcover Published: Nov 1974

List Price: $18.99 -- Amazon.com Price: $12.91 -- You save: $6.08 (32%)

Enter the world of Shel Silverstein... To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Shel Silverstein's most popular book, Where the Sidewalk Ends is now available in a special edition containing the classic hardcover book and a CD of highlights from his Grammy Award-winning album. This is a wonderful gift and keepsake for Shel Silverstein fans, old and new. From the outrageously funny to the quietly affecting -- and touching on everything in between -- here are poems and drawings that illuminate the remarkable world of the well-known folksinger, humorist and creator of The Giving Tree.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! Where the Wild Things Are
Author: Maurice Sendak Format: Hardcover Published: Oct 1988

List Price: $17.95 -- Amazon.com Price: $12.21 -- You save: $5.74 (32%)

Where the Wild Things Are is one of those truly rare books that can be enjoyed equally by a child and a grown-up. If you disagree, then it's been too long since you've attended a wild rumpus. Max dons his wolf suit in pursuit of some mischief and gets sent to bed without supper. Fortuitously, a forest grows in his room, allowing his wild rampage to continue unimpaired. Sendak's color illustrations (perhaps his finest) are beautiful, and each turn of the page brings the discovery of a new wonder.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! T. A. for Kids
Author: Alvyn M. Freed Format: Paperback Published: Oct 1977

List Price: $12.95 -- Amazon.com Price:

These classic books have helped hundreds of thousands of children and their parents to better understand and relate to each other. Helps youngsters understand their intrinsic worth as human beings. Builds and strengthens self-esteem, esteem of others, personal and social responsibility, critical thinking, and independent judgement. These books recognize that each person is a unique being with the capability to learn, grow and develop. Hooray for TA. Great for teachers, counselors, parents and other care givers.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts
Author: Claude M. Steiner Format: Paperback Published: Dec 1990

List Price: $14.00 -- Amazon.com Price: $11.20 -- You save: $2.80 (20%)

In Scripts People Live, Steiner expands upon this belief to show that people are innately healthy but develop a pattern early in life based upon negative or positive influences of those around them. Thus children decide, however unconsciously, whether they will be happy or depressed, winners or failures, strong or dependent, and having decided, they spend the rest of their lives making the decision come true. For those who choose a negative script, the consequences can be disastrous unless they make a conscious decision to change.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! Nibble Theory and the Kernel of Power
Author: Kaleel Jamison Format: Paperback Published: Nov 1986

List Price: $7.95 -- Amazon.com Price: $7.95

A prominent organization development consultant, the late Kaleel Jamison pioneered the use of diversity as a springboard for total organization improvement. Much of the material in this book was developed in workshops she gave throughout the United States. Her work continues through the firm she founded, the Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc., The Kaleel Jamison Foundation, and The Living School, Inc.

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.
Buy this book! Just In Case You Ever Wonder
Author: Max Lucado Format: Hardcover Published: Jan 2000

List Price: $15.99 -- Amazon.com Price:

A wonderful bedtime story to instill in your child just how much he or she is loved not only by you, but also by God. Best-selling author Max Lucado shares his warm blessing of love and tenderness in this board edition of a favorite family story. He writes, "As you grow and change, some things will stay the same. I'll always love you. I'll always hug you. I'll always be on your side. And I want you to know that . . . just in case you ever wonder."

This book may also be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.

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