Warm Fuzzy Greetings > Warm Fuzzy Stats

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I know that it is silly to keep track of the warm fuzzy colors that have been chosen, but this is kind of a silly site ... so there! [:)] Anyway, the following is a listing of all the fuzzy colors and how many times each one has been picked. Plus, it is now ordered from the most to the least picked now! Maybe nobody cares about this stuff except me ... oh well! [:)]

[aqua mini fuzzy] Aqua   [magenta mini fuzzy] Magenta   [periwinkle mini fuzzy] Periwinkle   [silver mini fuzzy] Silver
[chocolate mini fuzzy] Chocolate   [maroon mini fuzzy] Maroon   [pink mini fuzzy] Pink   [sand mini fuzzy] Sand
[green mini fuzzy] Green   [mint mini fuzzy] Mint   [rainbow mini fuzzy] Rainbow   [teal mini fuzzy] Teal
[horizon mini fuzzy] Horizon   [orange mini fuzzy] Orange   [red mini fuzzy] Red   [violet mini fuzzy] Violet
[lavender mini fuzzy] Lavender   [peach mini fuzzy] Peach   [royal mini fuzzy] Royal   [yellow mini fuzzy] Yellow
      [usa mini fuzzy] USA   [dustpuppy mini fuzzy] Dust Puppy      

New Color Stats (after 3/12/2001)
(USA color fuzzy added 9/23/2001)
Rainbow: 19,263
Red: 17,862
Peach: 17,093
Aqua: 16,864
Magenta: 16,754
Lavender: 16,514
Yellow: 16,424
Pink: 16,267
Periwinkle: 16,188
Usa: 15,965
Violet: 15,923
Royal: 15,915
Teal: 15,888
Horizon: 15,862
Mint: 15,214
Chocolate: 15,048
Orange: 14,318
Green: 14,311
Silver: 13,750
Maroon: 13,446
Sand: 12,799
Dustpuppy: 4,852

[blue mini fuzzy] Blue   [green mini fuzzy] Green   [peach mini fuzzy] Peach   [teal mini fuzzy] Teal
[brown mini fuzzy] Brown   [magenta mini fuzzy] Magenta   [pink mini fuzzy] Pink   [violet mini fuzzy] Violet
[gray mini fuzzy] Gray   [orange mini fuzzy] Orange   [red mini fuzzy] Red   [yellow mini fuzzy] Yellow

Old Color Stats (before 3/12/2001)
Blue: 7,774
Magenta: 6,053
Red: 3,889
Violet: 3,449
Pink: 3,263
Teal: 2,919
Yellow: 2,558
Green: 2,373
Peach: 1,937
Orange: 1,173
Gray: 250
Brown: 228

There have been 174,465 warm fuzzies sent out so far! Let's keep that number growing along with the warm fuzzy feeling!

send a warm fuzzy!
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This page has been snuggled 22,949 times since January 8, 1999. The true source code of this page can be viewed at stats.txt and it was last modified September 23rd, 2001 at 04:40 PST. Content and warm fuzzy graphics ©1998-2024 Monica Hübinette. Other graphics by Amber's Free Art. Pike script ©1998-2024 Fredrik Hübinette. Want to see more of Monica's webstuff? Please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement for more information.