Warm Fuzzy Greetings > Warm Fuzzy News

{Warm Fuzzy News}
...sharing that warm fuzzy feeling with people all over the world...
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A new way to send warm fuzzies!
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I wanted to have a news section to my web site but I decided to create a newsletter that will announce when I make changes to this web site or when I have important announcements to make. This newsletter was easy to set up and it is provided by Yahoo!Groups.

It will be a low frequency (1-2 emails per month) mailing list and some months there may not be any activity at all. It just all depends on what I am working on and how drastic of a change it is. I am kind of on a roll with implementing some changes and features to this site so I thought it would be a good time to create a newsletter.

Feel free to email me your thoughts about this newsletter or go read the archives.

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This page has been snuggled 22,891 times since October 27, 2001. The true source code of this page can be viewed at news.txt and it was last modified November 10th, 2001 at 23:27 PST. Content and warm fuzzy graphics ©1998-2025 Monica Hübinette. Other graphics by Amber's Free Art. Pike script ©1998-2025 Fredrik Hübinette. Want to see more of Monica's webstuff? Please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement for more information.