Warm Fuzzy Greetings > Warm Fuzzy Fund

{Warm Fuzzy Fund}
...sharing that warm fuzzy feeling with people all over the world...
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A new way to send warm fuzzies!
Warm Fuzzy Shop

Since a few kind and generous people have asked, I have added this page for those people who want to help promote and support this site. If you like this site, either buy the book or click on one of the banners at the top of each page. Or, even better yet ... buy something from our new Warm Fuzzy Shop!

Some people have suggested that I charge money for sending warm fuzzies and while that would be nice for me, it would not be entirely fair for those sending them. Instead, I will let those people who have found this site to be enjoyable and beneficial send some money to help keep this site alive and working.

It doesn't have to be much ($1, $10, $100?!) and it is certainly *not* required. It will however inspire me to keep working and improving the site. If you are interested in sending some money to the Warm Fuzzy Fund, please consider sending a donation through PayPal ... it's fast, free and secure!

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
Account Name: fuzzy @ hubbe.net Last Name: Hubinette

If you prefer the "old fashioned" method of sending money, please email me to get the address to mail your check to. As a thank you to anyone who sends me a donation, I will list their name here and a link back to their webpage or email address if they like. If there are any questions or if anyone on this list would like to change how they are listed, please contact me at fuzzy.at.hubbe.dot.net. Just please be patient as I do tend to get a lot of emails and busy with my life! [:)]

Thank You Thank You Thank You to:

D. Noble of Cloverly, CT for their $10.00 donation!

Someone who wishes to be anonomous for their $5.00 donation!

send a warm fuzzy!
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This page has been snuggled 25,948 times since January 8, 1999. The true source code of this page can be viewed at fund.txt and it was last modified March 18th, 2003 at 12:56 PST. Content and warm fuzzy graphics ©1998-2025 Monica Hübinette. Other graphics by Amber's Free Art. Pike script ©1998-2025 Fredrik Hübinette. Want to see more of Monica's webstuff? Please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement for more information.