A new way to send warm fuzzies! |
Thank you in helping me spread warmth and joy around the world!
An email has been sent to the recipient of your warm fuzzy. It will let
them know the URL where their warm fuzzy is located and who it is from.
They will have two weeks to view their warm fuzzy before it is deleted.
You may also see their warm fuzzy by going to:
NOTE: Sometimes the email that is sent out from this page gets lost in
cyberspace. There are lots of reasons why but one could be that it has
something to do with the recipient's ISP being really paranoid about who
it receives mail from. Basically, the mail sent from this form could be
considered 'spam' by certain email clients. So, it might be a good idea
for you to send an email to the person you are sending the warm fuzzy
to be certain that they know about it.
Good deeds do not go unrewarded and I am sure someone will send you a
warm fuzzy soon! Now, doesn't it feel good to have done something nice
for someone else? So, why not try sending another
warm fuzzy? Go ahead, it's good for the soul.
Let me know if you liked this
service and if there is anything else I can do to improve it!