Warm Fuzzy Greetings > A Warm Fuzzy Just For My Husband!

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A Warm Fuzzy Just For ... My Husband!

[aqua fuzzy] [periwinkle fuzzy] [royal fuzzy]

This is your warm fuzzy that was sent to you by Your Wife who must think you are a pretty special person! A short message from Your Wife is displayed in italics below.

I love you!


A new way to send warm fuzzies!
Warm Fuzzy Shop

This page will only be available for viewing for two weeks and then it will be deleted. In the meantime, why not send a warm fuzzy to Your Daughter as a thank you? Or, you might want to send a warm fuzzy to someone else? It's good for the soul and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. [:)]

If you have any ideas, suggestions, typos, etc. please send an email to fuzzy.at.hubbe.dot.net. Plus, if you have found this site to be helpful, enjoyable or just plain fun and would like it to stick around, please read my Warm Fuzzy Fund page for more information!

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You are the 37841st person to have recieved a warm fuzzy! Content and warm fuzzy graphics ©1998-2025 Monica Hübinette. Other graphics by Amber's Free Art. Pike script ©1998-2025 Fredrik Hübinette. Want to see more of Monica's webstuff? Please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement for more information.