A new way to send warm fuzzies! |
There are not enough warm fuzzies (and too many cold pricklies) in this
world so I decided to make it easier for people to give them. Warm fuzzies
are a wonderful (and inexpensive!) gift for someone you care about and it
will make you feel good in return! If you do not know what a warm fuzzy or
a cold prickly is, please read A Warm Fuzzy Tale.
You can send a warm fuzzy to someone you care about.
It's simple, it's free and spreads the warm fuzzy feeling around! You are
more than welcome to pass along this URL to whoever you think would like
sending out warm fuzzies. (Which should be everyone right?)
NEW! Now you can
join my Warm Fuzzy
Greetings Newsletter to get the latest happenings on this site. Please read the
fuzzy news page for more information.
There have been 174,587 warm fuzzies
sent out so far! Let's keep that number growing along with the warm fuzzy
If you have any ideas, suggestions, typos, etc. please send an email to
fuzzy.at.hubbe.dot.net. Plus, if you
have found this site to be helpful, enjoyable or just plain fun and
would like it to stick around, read my Warm
Fuzzy Fund page for more information!